Friday, June 24, 2011

Sleight of Fin, Claw, Paw, Antenna, Wing

These aren’t hawk eyes, but spots on a moth’s wing.
One actor insect disguises itself as a wasp with an ersatz sting.
This serpent’s no coral snake, despite its coloring.
Before I enter the bar, I pocket my ring.

Some deep-sea fish dangle glowing stalks as bait.
A squid squirts ink to cover its escape.
The cuckoo’s eggs are hatched by feathered strangers without complaint.
Foundation hides the blemish on my face.

A puffer fish inflates itself to disguise
the slightness of its girth. Cats’ fur stands on end. Likewise,
a collared lizard’s frill will serve to amplify its size.
A girdle does its best to diminish mine.

A buck shows off its rack while it crosses the glade.
Roosters shriek and swell in a barnyard parade.
Peacocks strut with fans proudly displayed.
An honest man has never gotten laid.

A pitcher plant’s a sweet death trap for flies.
A possum will convince you that it’s died.
A croc looks like a log when it shuts its eyes.
A man may stand for truth, but nature lies.


  1. deep and poetic, well penned.

  2. Jingle appreciates your support to our poetry potluck.
    Our week 41 Theme is: Saints, Monks, and Meditations,
    Yet, old poems or poems unrelated to our theme are welcome… ;)
    Always, your poetry is sunshine to us!
    Looking forward to seeing U on Sunday, 8pm or later.
    Stay Blessed,
    Love and hugs.

  3. the last line is... not quite there yet. or I'm wrong. Good stuff.
