Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Helter Skelter

The air rang like finest crystal,
and every bead of foam tossed
from the curling fist of every wave
became a prism, catching and reflecting 
every hue that danced and twirled across the earth.
Her hand and mine were tightly clasped, our fingers
engineered to interlace.
Our heels pressed perfect bowls into the sand
that filled with water where crustaceans paddled
playfully about. The ocean breeze and sun 
had signed a truce.

If you know me, you’re expecting her to ask
“What is that stench?” 
as we approach a lump of squelchy, blackened flesh,
long dead, its bulk collapsed upon itself.
Then you might think, “Oh, here’s his usual
repugnant metaphor. A secret
in this happy couple’s past, forecasting
their inevitable split.”

Or maybe you think, “This must be the
prelude to some awful act of carnage.
The calm before the storm, the lulling 
into complacency. This couple must end up
tortured, mutilated, violated, brutalized.”
The light fixtures of our motel room hang crooked 
beneath the weight of our swaying entrails.
A filthy couplet drips across the walls.
Are you surprised, then, to find that nothing happens,
that the beach is clean and empty,
that there’s not a single cloud in our blue sky?
Are you disappointed when I tell you we grow old together,
that the ocean of our love does not go dry?


  1. Excellent--an equation of poetic expectations to the great american nascar mentality--when will it explode and kill someone daddy...it can't be real if it doesn't hurt. I love that line, 'engineered to interlace'--another fine write.

  2. I have to admit, I thought everything would probably be OK in the end, but I really love the concept of this poem. The first line of the second stanza really knocked me out.

  3. fricken awesome....love the hanging by entrails...and a happy ending would be fine by me they are too few and far between these days it seems...

  4. Dry oceans don't work for me.... I'm glad they grow together; old or otherwise. Lovely.

  5. this was excellent - love how you weave this - read it three times - honestly - very, very good.. and no ...i'm not disappointed at all..
